Hacker News with Generative AI: Global Economy

North Korean IT teams infiltrate global freelance platforms (dailynk.com)
North Korea has intensified its covert foreign currency operations by sending elite IT workers to China and Southeast Asia as freelancers.
The U.S. Economy Is Racing Ahead. Almost Everything Else Is Falling Behind (nytimes.com)
The American economy has grown faster than every other high-income economy over the past few decades.
India looks to new economic playbook as risks mount (japantimes.co.jp)
After India achieved world-beating economic growth last year, its policymakers are scrambling to head off a sharp slowdown as worsening global conditions and domestic confidence wipe out a recent stock market rally.
China's Trade Surplus Reaches a Record of Nearly $1T (largest in past century) (nytimes.com)
China announced on Monday that its trade surplus reached almost $1 trillion last year as its exports swamped the globe, while the country’s own businesses and households spent cautiously on imports.
Canada aims to become biggest uranium producer as demand soars (ft.com)
Why Chinese EVs will not take over the world (high-capacity.com)
Many countries are worried that Chinese electric vehicles will dominate the global auto market the way that China did with solar manufacturing where it has over 80% of global capacity.
'We lost': How COP29 ended with a deal that made the whole world unhappy (grist.org)
Two weeks ago, diplomats from almost 200 countries arrived at a sports stadium on the outskirts of Baku, Azerbaijan, to debate a subject that had never before been at the center of a United Nations climate conference: money.
Climate breakdown will hit global growth by a third, say central banks (theguardian.com)
The physical shocks caused by climate breakdown will hit global economic growth by a third, according to a risk assessment by a network of central banks.
The World’s $100T Fiscal Timebomb Keeps Ticking (bloomberg.com)
As world debt hits $100T, IMF warns deficit must be brought under control (politico.eu)
The debt owed by governments around the world will surpass $100 trillion by year-end and is an increasing threat to the global economy, the International Monetary Fund warned on Tuesday.
World Development Report 2024: The Middle-Income Trap (worldbank.org)
World Bank warns 108 countries risk being stuck in 'middle-income trap' (theguardian.com)
McDonald's sales fall globally for first time in more than three years (reuters.com)
Wealth of global top% grew by $42T over past decade: Oxfam (cnn.com)
One index, two publishers and the global research economy (tandfonline.com)
IKEA's retailer's solved global 'unhappy worker' crisis by raising salaries (fortune.com)
China's Dead-End Economy Is Bad News for Everyone (nytimes.com)
Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies says IMF (bbc.com)