Hacker News with Generative AI: C64

Nine – seemingly impossible C64 demo (linusakesson.net)
Parsing the C64 Bubble Bobble Wind Currents (geon.github.io)
A while ago, I managed to rip the level data and graphics from the c64 version of Bubble Bobble.
The Thompson Twins Adventure (C64 game on flexi disk vinyl) (wikipedia.org)
The Thompson Twins Adventure is a 1984 graphic adventure game that was distributed by Computer and Video Games magazine as a promotional[4] 7" flexi disc[1] "freebie" along with its October 1984 issue (issue 36).
C64 Basic Tutorial: Using String Manipulation to Write a Text Adventure (retrogamecoders.com)
C64 BASIC was unusual for the time as it allowed you to create and manipulate text string variables without having to reserve space or define them before using them.
Mineshaft Gap – A real-time strategy game for the C64 by Drmortalwombat (indieretronews.com)