Hacker News with Generative AI: Broadcasting

Australian Open resorts to animated caricatures to bypass broadcast restrictions (crikey.com.au)
The Australian Open has implemented a cheeky workaround for international viewers that dodges its own broadcast obligations.
Documenting an 1115 ft radio tower climb (jeffgeerling.com)
Some broadcast engineering tasks are a bit too daunting for me to consider. Climbing the massive towers that power radio and TV stations is one of them!
Explore the Capabilities of Broadcasting in Julia Programming (glcs.io)
Broadcasting is useful in Julia for several reasons, including:
Parks on the Air (parksontheair.com)
The Beginnings of FM Radio Broadcasting (2018) (theradiohistorian.org)
In 1924, a magazine ran a contest: "Who is to pay for broadcasting and how?" (niemanlab.org)
Radio Garden (radio.garden)
Swiss Broadcasting Corporation to pull plug on FM radio (swissinfo.ch)
German Court Fines Netflix €7.05M for Infringement of Broadcom HEVC Patent (2023) (broadcom.com)
NumPy-style broadcasting in Futhark (futhark-lang.org)
40 years later, a game for the ZX Spectrum will be again broadcast over FM radio (racunalniski-muzej.si)
German public broadcasters open source their streaming platforms (heise.de)