Hacker News with Generative AI: Book Reviews

Selling the Collective: On Kevin Killian's "Selected Amazon Reviews" (clereviewofbooks.com)
I texted a friend about an upcoming collection of Amazon reviews by the writer Kevin Killian. He texted back that he thinks a lot about all the great writing that has disappeared over the years—from early Usenet, billboards, MySpace, and weblogs—into the ether.
Yeah, America can still build stuff (jabberwocking.com)
Marc Dunkelman has a new book coming out next month called Why Nothing Works. His thesis is that America once did big things but now seems stuck—and much of it is the fault of progressives:
Ideas from "A Philosophy of Software Design" (16elt.com)
Almost a month ago, I created a telegram channel with the goal of reading tech books consistently, and sharing summaries of them. This week, I have finished reading the first book - “A Philosophy of Software Design” by John Ousterhout and shared all of the 21 chapter summaries in the channel.
Book Review: On the Edge, Nate Silver (mattglassman.substack.com)
Hilary Mantel Reviews “A Life of One's Own/An Experiment in Leisure” (1986) (literaryreview.co.uk)
Kill It With Fire: dealing with legacy systems. (book review) (usenix.org)
'Written in Water' Review: What Makes a Classic? (wsj.com)
The NYT book review is everything book criticism shouldn't be (currentaffairs.org)
A journey into Kindle AI slop hell (maxread.substack.com)
Review: The Variational Principles of Mechanics (thepsmiths.com)
Why Surrealism Matters: Book review (the-tls.co.uk)
"Consider Phlebas" Book Review (davidgorski.substack.com)
'The Invention of Prehistory' Review: Facing Deep Time (wsj.com)