Hacker News with Generative AI: Board Games

Designer Diary: Panda Royale (boardgamegeek.com)
The DIY Multideck (mauri.app)
The DIY multideck is a deck of 162 playing cards (3 standard decks) that allows you to play hundreds of existing games, not only classic card games but also modern games that use components like boards or coins.
Board game from Mexican prisons brings together people from all walks of life (apnews.com)
Poleana, a board game with ancient roots that established a foothold nearly a century ago in Mexican prisons, is spreading in popularity outside the walls.
Codenames App, or my biggest project so far (boardgamegeek.com)
Board games for video game fans (2022) (eriktwice.com)
Do you love video games? If that’s the case but you haven’t checked out board games as well, there’s a lot you’ve been missing. The analog side of the hobby is every bit as good as the digital one. In some ways, it may even be better! Hence, I’ve compiled a list of the eight games I recommend the most for video game fans who want to try the amazing world of board games.
Every board game rulebook is awful [pdf] (drive.google.com)
Kurt Vonnegut's lost board game published (polygon.com)
It could have been a contemporary of Risk, Diplomacy, and other legendary wargames
Cyberpunk 2077 – The Board Game (gamefound.com)
America's Oldest Board Game Teaches 19th-Century Geography (mymodernmet.com)
The Operational Wargame Series: The best game not in stores now (2021) (nodicenoglory.com)
Real-Time Settlers of Catan (ocallahan.org)
Show HN: Digital player board for Terraforming Mars (netlify.app)