Hacker News with Generative AI: Avian Influenza

New York Shutting Down Live Bird Markets After Finding Bird Flu (time.com)
On Feb. 7, New York Governor Kathy Hochul issued an order to temporarily close live bird markets after cases of avian influenza, or bird flu, were detected in seven markets in Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx in the past week.
Genetics of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses ID'd in LA Person (cdc.gov)
CDC has sequenced the influenza viruses in specimens collected from the patient in Louisiana who was infected with, and became severely ill from HPAI A(H5N1) virus. The genomic sequences were compared to other HPAI A(H5N1) sequences from dairy cows, wild birds and poultry, as well as previous human cases and were identified as the D1.1 genotype.
America Lost Control of the Bird Flu, Setting the Stage for Another Pandemic (kffhealthnews.org)
Nearly a year into the first outbreak of the bird flu among cattle, the virus shows no sign of slowing. The U.S. government failed to eliminate the virus on dairy farms when it was confined to a handful of states, by quickly identifying infected cows and taking measures to keep their infections from spreading. Now at least 875 herds across 16 states have tested positive.
How the U.S. Lost Control of Bird Flu, Setting the Stage for Another Pandemic (scientificamerican.com)
As the bird flu virus moved into cows and people, sluggish federal action, deference to industry and neglect for worker safety put the country at risk
CDPH: Bird flu virus found in raw milk for sale (statnews.com)
Health officials in California have discovered bird flu virus in raw milk for sale in a store in the state, a development scientists following the ongoing outbreak of bird flu in dairy cows have been anticipating and worrying about for some time.
7% of participating dairy workers had recent infection with bird flu (cdc.gov)
Since April 2024, sporadic infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5) viruses have been detected among dairy farm workers in the United States.
Bird flu infections undetected (statnews.com)
For months, as human cases of H5N1 bird flu associated with an outbreak of the virus in U.S. dairy cattle have mounted, one question has loomed larger than others: how many human infections are getting missed?
H5N1 virus isolated from infected dairy worker is 100% lethal in ferrets (news.wisc.edu)
A strain of H5N1 avian influenza virus found in a Texas dairy worker who was infected this spring was able to spread among ferrets through the air, although inefficiently, and killed 100% of infected animals in studies University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers performed with the strain earlier this year.
Spillover of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus to dairy cattle (nature.com)
Confirmation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Commercial& Backyard Flocks (usda.gov)
Mexico man dies from first human case of bird flu strain H5N2 (theguardian.com)
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infection in a Dairy Farm Worker (nejm.org)
H5N1 prevalence in milk suggest US bird flu outbreak in cows is widespread (statnews.com)