Hacker News with Generative AI: Amiga

The Coolest Amiga Setup (datagubbe.se)
There are plenty of cool Amiga setups, past and present. A towerized Amiga 1200 with a Blizzard PPC accelerator? Sweet. A painted black Amiga 600 with a small TFT screen mounted on its case? Yes, please! An Amiga 500 with an old external hard drive and, inside, a Blizzard card with a 14 MHz 68000 CPU and two megs of fastmem? Stop, you're making me salivate!
A story about restoring and upgrading a Commodore Amiga 1000 (celso.io)
This is a story about restoring and upgrading a Commodore Amiga 1000, the first model of the Amiga series.
Amiga Research Operating System (AROS): Summary of 2024 (arosnews.github.io)
The end of the year is a time for reflection and recapitulation. After years of less activity, we can safely say that this year has brought us many positive developments. From month to month we recorded significant progress, which you had the opportunity to follow on our blog. AROS has moved forward with momentum and does not intend to slow down!
OpenPCI 11.5 is a cross-vendor portable PCI stack for 68K Amigas (abime.net)
The GNU C-Compiler with Binutils and other useful tools for Amiga (github.com/bebbo)
The GNU C Compiler with binutils and other useful tools for cross compiling software for the Commodore Amiga.
The Faery Tale Adventure – Amiga (github.com/viridia)
This repository contains the source code to the original "The Faery Tale Adventure" published by MicroIllusions on the Amiga in 1987. It was written by me (Talin) over the course of seven months.
An RKRM-style reference of AmigaDOS/dos.library (github.com/thorfdbg)
This project is a documentation of the AmigaDOS subsystem of AmigaOs, the dos.library, its handlers, file-systems and structures. It is available under the THOR-Software License v3.
Recreating Dune II for the Amiga (spillhistorie.no)
We’ve spoken with ex-Westwood developer Bob Koon, who is working on a new Amiga version of Dune II.
Serena: An experimental operating system for 32bit Amiga computers (github.com/dplanitzer)
New AmiKit for Raspberry Pi 5/400/4 (amiga.sk)
Roguecraft Devs on Developing for Amiga in 2024 (timeextension.com)
Amiga 2000 – Codename: Tesseract (2021) (retrohax.net)
Grind – An epic first person shooter for Amiga 500 gets another playable tease (indieretronews.com)
AxRuntime (AxRT): Creating Applications Using Amiga APIs (axrt.org)
Amiga 500 "Topaz" font updated for the 21st century (gitlab.com)
Amiga Emulator: WinUAE 5.3.0 (winuae.net)
Amiga Minimig Ported to Tang Nano 20k FPGA (github.com/harbaum)