Hacker News with Generative AI: Adaptation

Transformer^2: Self-Adaptive LLMs (sakana.ai)
Adaptation is one of the most remarkable phenomena in nature. From the way an octopus can change their skin color to blend into its surroundings, to how the human brain rewires itself after an injury, allowing individuals to recover lost functions and adapt to new ways of thinking or moving. Living organisms exhibit adaptability that allows life to flourish in diverse and ever-changing environments.
Why langurs drink salt water (idw-online.de)
Endangered Cat Ba langurs defy poor environmental conditions and show remarkable adaptation
King vs. Kubrick: The Origins of Evil (2020) (sensesofcinema.com)
It is a common trope that authors rarely like films based on their novels.
The Collapse Is Coming. Will Humanity Adapt? (nautil.us)
How do our brains adapt to control an extra body part? (cam.ac.uk)
The Collapse Is Coming? Will Humanity Adapt? (mitpress.mit.edu)