Hacker News with Generative AI: Voyager 1

Ham radio operators receive signals from Voyager 1 on Dwingeloo telescope (camras.nl)
We have used the historic Dwingeloo radio telescope to receive signals from the Voyager 1 spacecraft. Only a few telescopes in the world have received these signals, which are very faint due to the distance of Voyager 1: almost 25 billion kilometers, more than four times the distance to Pluto.
Saving Voyager 1 [video] (youtube.com)
Voyager 1 breaks its silence with NASA via radio transmitter not used since 1981 (smithsonianmag.com)
NASA's aging Voyager 1 spacecraft entered interstellar space in 2012 and has faced a handful of technical issues over the last year, even as it continues to collect scientific data.
Voyager 1 Breaks Its Silence with NASA via a Radio Transmitter Not Used Since 81 (smithsonianmag.com)
NASA's aging Voyager 1 spacecraft entered interstellar space in 2012 and has faced a handful of technical issues over the last year, even as it continues to collect scientific data.
Voyager 1 phones home with transmitter that hasn't been used since 1981 (space.com)
47-year-old Voyager 1 fired up thrusters it hasn't used in decades (cnn.com)
NASA Pulls Off Delicate Thruster Swap, Keeping Voyager 1 Mission Alive (gizmodo.com)
The Voyager 1 spacecraft has been cruising through the cosmos for 47 years, collecting precious data beyond the solar system. All that interstellar travel, however, is taking its toll on the probe. Recently, NASA engineers had to resolve a thruster issue affecting Voyager 1, overcoming a series of obstacles posed by the probe’s aging hardware.
Voyager 1 Team Accomplishes Tricky Thruster Swap (nasa.gov)
Engineers working on NASA’s Voyager 1 probe have successfully mitigated an issue with the spacecraft’s thrusters, which keep the distant explorer pointed at Earth so that it can receive commands, send engineering data, and provide the unique science data it is gathering.
Day, 47 years ago, Voyager 1 launched into space (nasa.gov)
Voyager 1 is back online: NASA spacecraft returns data from all 4 instruments (space.com)
Voyager 1 Returning Science Data from All Four Instruments (nasa.gov)
How many photons are received per bit transmitted from Voyager 1? (stackexchange.com)
Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Science Data (nasa.gov)
Nasa is hacking Voyager 1 Back to Life (ieee.org)
How NASA Repaired Voyager 1 from 15B Miles Away (arstechnica.com)
Voyager 1 Is Communicating Well Again (scientificamerican.com)
After Months of Gibberish, Voyager 1 Is Communicating Well Again (scientificamerican.com)
NASA's Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Engineering Updates to Earth (nasa.gov)
NASA's Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Engineering Updates to Earth (nasa.gov)