Hacker News with Generative AI: Thermodynamics

Solving climate change by abusing thermodynamic scaling laws (ckrapu.github.io)
The removal large quantities of carbon from Earth’s atmosphere is one of the most promising pathways to avoiding or mitigating the worst effects of global warming or climate change.
The Gravo-Thermal Catastrophe (wordpress.com)
In 1962, V. A. Antonov did some remarkable simulations showing that even in Newtonian mechanics, gravitating systems can violate the usual rules of thermodynamics. Instead of reaching equilibrium they can get hotter and hotter!
What Is Entropy? (arxiv.org)
This short book is an elementary course on entropy, leading up to a calculation of the entropy of hydrogen gas at standard temperature and pressure.
Extropic: Thermodynamic Accelerated Computing (twitter.com)
The Second Law of Thermodynamics (2011) (franklambert.net)
Negative Temperature (wikipedia.org)
New work extends the thermodynamic theory of computation (santafe.edu)
Solid-state polymer heat pump gets rid of the heat itself (arstechnica.com)