Hacker News with Generative AI: Software Licensing

German router maker is latest company to inadvertently clarify the LGPL license (arstechnica.com)
A German case clarified that LGPL source isn't enough—it needs to be usable.
Free-software warriors celebrate landmark case that enforced GNU LGPL (theregister.com)
Sebastian Steck, a software developer based in Germany, has obtained the source code and library installation scripts for his AVM FRITZ!Box 4020 router, thanks to a lawsuit funded by the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC).
What Happens to Relicensed Open Source Projects and Their Forks? (thenewstack.io)
Academic papers yanked after authors found to have used unlicensed software (theregister.com)
An academic journal has retracted two papers because it determined their authors used unlicensed software.
Academic papers yanked after authors found to have used unlicensed software (theregister.com)
An academic journal has retracted two papers because it determined their authors used unlicensed software.
Software freedom isn't about licenses – it's about power (2021) (rosenzweig.io)
A restrictive end-user license agreement is one way a company can exert power over the user. When the free software movement was founded thirty years ago, these restrictive licenses were the primary user-hostile power dynamic, so permissive and copyleft licenses emerged as synonyms to software freedom. Licensing does matter; user autonomy is lost with subscription models, revocable licenses, binary-only software, and onerous legal clauses. Yet these issues pertinent to desktop software do not scratch the surface of today’s digital power dynamics.
How Should I Price a Python Module License for Major Banks? (ycombinator.com)
I have an opportunity to license a Python module to several major banking institutions—some of the largest in the world. Typically, we offer this software as a web app, but these banks need a local module to run within their own environments.
Ask HN: Should I open source my licensing server? (ycombinator.com)
Recently developed an in-house "zero trust" license server based on PKI idea, blockchains, and proof-of-time, to convert a regular "vendor hosted" license server, into one that can be hosted on the buyer side.
AT&T sues Broadcom for refusing to renew perpetual license support (arstechnica.com)
Sustainable Licensing at Element with AGPL (element.io)
Ask HN: Help me understand paid software released under AGPL3 (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: Alternatives to Gumroad for "software licenses"? (ycombinator.com)
Keygen: Open-Source Software Licensing (github.com/keygen-sh)
GPL all the things? (phpc.social)
Copyleft licenses are not "restrictive" (drewdevault.com)