Hacker News with Generative AI: Service Industry

Tipping Isn't about Service – It's a Psychological Con Job (thewalrus.ca)
If you’ve recently paid for a coffee at a java joint, you might have been prompted by a point-of-sale payment device to add a tip of 15 percent. Or you might have been asked for a more generous 18 percent. A pushing-it 20 percent. A borderline-offensive 25 percent. For a cup of coffee that runs you about $3, and which someone poured from a carafe, that can seem a big ask.
Kitchen staff were canaries in the coal mine (2022) (economistwritingeveryday.com)
I’ve long been a lurker on r/kitchenconfidential. I did a few brief tours in the service industry when I was younger and my partner used to manage a successful upscale restaurant. If you’ve spent anytime in a restaurant after closing in the last ten years, then you probably aren’t surprised by the continuing labor shortage in the service industry.
GM Lays Off 1k Salaried Software, Service Employees (reuters.com)
Now is a good time to start a service business (zachocean.com)