Hacker News with Generative AI: Scala

Why does Mill use Scala? (mill-build.org)
One question that comes up a lot among Mill users is why use Scala as the language to configure your build? Why not YAML, XML, TOML, Bash, Groovy, Python, Java, or any of the other hundred programming and configuration languages in widespread use today? Scala is definitely a niche language, but it also has some unique properties that make it especially suitable to be used for configuring the build system of a small or large project.
Scala 3 Migration: Report from the field (pierre-ricadat.com)
April 30, 2024. I decided to dedicate a week to migrate our main project at work (a multiplayer mobile game server in production for over 4 years) from Scala 2.13 to Scala 3.
Better Scala Builds with the Mill Build Tool, Functional Scala Online 2024 [video] (youtube.com)
What Scala has to offer for Java devs (softwaremill.com)
JVM was introduced in 1994 to run Java programs, but since long ago, it is not the only language you can run on it. There are many other languages leveraging its potential, and Scala is one of them. If you are a Java developer and you have heard or read something about Scala, you might think all it has to offer is some syntactic sugar. In this article, I’ll try to convince you it is much more.
Monocle: Optics Library for Scala (optics.dev)
Monocle is a Scala library which offers a simple yet powerful API to access and transform immutable data.
Mill: A fast JVM build tool for Java and Scala (mill-build.org)
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