Hacker News with Generative AI: Configuration Languages

Why does Mill use Scala? (mill-build.org)
One question that comes up a lot among Mill users is why use Scala as the language to configure your build? Why not YAML, XML, TOML, Bash, Groovy, Python, Java, or any of the other hundred programming and configuration languages in widespread use today? Scala is definitely a niche language, but it also has some unique properties that make it especially suitable to be used for configuring the build system of a small or large project.
CCL: Categorical Configuration Language (chshersh.com)
CCL: Categorical Configuration Language — the most elegant configuration language
Adding algebraic data types to Nickel (tweag.io)
Our Nickel language is a configuration language. It’s also a functional programming language.
The Dhall Configuration Language (dhall-lang.org)
The Dhall configuration language is a programmable configuration language that you can think of as: JSON + functions + types + imports
HCL: Toolkit for Structured Configuration Languages (github.com/hashicorp)