Hacker News with Generative AI: Product Hunt

Show HN: 150+ products launched in 7 days on this fair Product Hunt alternative (ycombinator.com)
A little over a week ago, I was wondering if anyone would care about the thing I’d just built.
Analysis of Product Hunt products from 2014 to 2021 (components.one)
This report is the result of an analysis of Product Hunt from 2014 to 2021, including 76,822 products and 397,067 user profiles. Among its findings is that users who promote productivity apps and users who promote games are the least likely to be the same people, among any pair of categories.
Show HN: I built a fair alternative to Product Hunt for indie makers (ycombinator.com)
I’m an indie maker, just like many of you. A few months back, I launched a product on one of the big platforms, and... nothing. It got buried under dozens of other launches within hours. All that work, all that excitement is gone in the blink of an eye. No one even saw it.
Show HN: AirFry.Pro – The best popular and healthy recipes for your air fryer (airfry.pro)
We're live on Product Hunt right now
Show HN: I am Building a Producthunt alternative (huntlie.com)
Instalogin just now instantly become a verified user on any site
Show HN: I'm building a Product Hunt alternative, it's 4 days old (launching.today)
We're a community of entrepreneurs, builders, and dreamers. Discover new products, find inspiration and new ideas, and share your own.
Show HN: A fair Product Hunt alternative (simplelister.com)
Launching on Product Hunt (read.cv)
Show HN: I built a list of Product Hunt alternatives for indie founders (phalternatives.com)
Product Hunt isn't dying, it's becoming gentrified (launchpointzero.com)
Product Hunt isn’t dying – its become gentrified.
Ask HN: Are Medium/PH/IndieHackers outdated for startups? (ycombinator.com)
I believe cool tools of yesterday for startup (Medium, PH, Indihackers) became outdated and people are moving more and more towards X. What do you think?
Ask HN: Is Product Hunt dead? (ycombinator.com)
Product Hunt Upvotes Are Worthless: Real Customers Aren't There (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: Thoughts on Product Hunt? + My experience with it (ycombinator.com)