Hacker News with Generative AI: Indie Hackers

Ask HN: Solo developer building a product? Show us your work and get feedback (ycombinator.com)
Are you an indie hacker building a product?<p>Show your work, and we’ll share our initial feedback!<p>Please, let’s make it a positive, constructive thread.
Any Indiehackers.com Alternatives (ycombinator.com)
I loved Indie Hackers when it first came out.
Does “building in public” work? (laike9m.com)
Since joining the indie hacker community a few months ago, I've been observing what everyone is doing with great curiosity. One thing I immediately noticed, is that everyone talks about "build in public".
Ask HN: Are Medium/PH/IndieHackers outdated for startups? (ycombinator.com)
I believe cool tools of yesterday for startup (Medium, PH, Indihackers) became outdated and people are moving more and more towards X. What do you think?