Show HN: TalkNotes – A site that turns your ideas into tasks
TalkNotes creates notes, todos, flashcards and more from audio. Create tasks and events as easily as speaking them
TalkNotes creates notes, todos, flashcards and more from audio. Create tasks and events as easily as speaking them
The original note-taking program
It is a pity that this software is so unknown, even though there is no program (at least that I know of) that offers the versatility and possibilities that Keynote NF offers.
It is a pity that this software is so unknown, even though there is no program (at least that I know of) that offers the versatility and possibilities that Keynote NF offers.
Save the Web – Obsidian
Today, we’re introducing Obsidian Web Clipper a new extension that helps you highlight and capture the web in your favorite browser. Anything you save is stored as durable Markdown files that you can read offline, and preserve for the long term.
Today, we’re introducing Obsidian Web Clipper a new extension that helps you highlight and capture the web in your favorite browser. Anything you save is stored as durable Markdown files that you can read offline, and preserve for the long term.