Hacker News with Generative AI: Modernism

French modernists were alarmed, inspired by newspaper's voracious dynamism (aeon.co)
In the 1860s, Charles Baudelaire bemoaned what we might now call doomscrolling:
Axiomatics: Mathematical thought and high modernism (old.maa.org)
The author states, in the note to readers, “This book is a history of mathematical thought rather than of mathematics per se” and also “… I have tried to limit to a minimum the mathematical content in the book.” Both statements are true, yet still this book will be of great interest to many mathematicians.
Guy Davenport – The Last High Modernist (thenation.com)
The Next New Thing: architecture's gulf between the traditional and the modern (theamericanscholar.org)
Disabling Modernism (placesjournal.org)