2-adic numbering for binary tilings
I’ve posted quite a bit about the binary tiling of the hyperbolic plane recently, including what you get when you shrink its vertical edges, a related “nowhere-neat” tessellation, the connection to Smith charts and Escher, a method to 3-color its tiles, a half-flipped variation of the tiling, and its applications in proving that folding origami is hard. But I thought there might be room for one more post, in honor of the Wikipedia binary tiling article’s new Good Article Status.
I’ve posted quite a bit about the binary tiling of the hyperbolic plane recently, including what you get when you shrink its vertical edges, a related “nowhere-neat” tessellation, the connection to Smith charts and Escher, a method to 3-color its tiles, a half-flipped variation of the tiling, and its applications in proving that folding origami is hard. But I thought there might be room for one more post, in honor of the Wikipedia binary tiling article’s new Good Article Status.