Hacker News with Generative AI: FFmpeg

FFmpeg up to 94x performance boost after implementing handwritten assembly code (tomshardware.com)
FFmpeg: A 94x speed improvement demonstrated using handwritten assembly (twitter.com)
Stabilise Video Using FFmpeg (pesky.moe)
FFmpeg has the ability to stabilise a video using a 2 pass approach.
Cutting videos in the terminal with chafa and FFmpeg (wonger.dev)
I've been working on a video editor for the terminal: demo.webm.
FFmpeg's VVC decoder is no longer experimental (videolan.org)
This reverts commit [110d8549d575aae6b2f627cd63e2eb7082ab8926](/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=object;h=110d8549d575aae6b2f627cd63e2eb7082ab8926).
StreamPot: Run FFmpeg as an API with fluent-FFmpeg compatibility, queues and S3 (github.com/StreamPot)
Ask HN: Share your FFmpeg settings for video hosting (ycombinator.com)
FFmpeg Asks Intel for a Server (twitter.com)
The Best Way to Use FFmpeg (thestackcanary.com)
Make timelapses easily using FFmpeg (ycombinator.com)
Dano is a wrapper for FFmpeg that checksums the internal file streams (github.com/kimono-koans)