Hacker News with Generative AI: ESP32

Embedded Rust in Production? (lohr.dev)
When I mention that we use Rust on the embedded ESP32 platform the most common reaction is a jaw-dropping "This is possible?!". Yes, it is indeed possible! - And we at STABL Energy have used it successfully for over a year now. And because so many people seem interested in why we use Rust and how it is going for us, I decided to write this blog post.
Working with compressed (ZSTD) binary data on AWS IoT Core (nullonerror.org)
Today we will see how to send compressed CBOR with ZSTD from an ESP32 microcontroller through an MQTT topic, passing through AWS IoT Core, and finally being decoded in a TypeScript-written Lambda function.
EvilAppleJuice-ESP32: Spam Apple Proximity Messages via an ESP32 (github.com/ckcr4lyf)
Reverse engineering ESP32 Wi-Fi driver: the road ahead (esp32-open-mac.be)
ESP32 Drum Synth Machine (github.com/zircothc)
ESP32-S3 has a few SIMD instructions (blogspot.com)
Unveiling secrets of the ESP32 part 2: reverse engineering RX (ugent.be)