Hacker News with Generative AI: E-Ink

Show HN: Kindly RSS, a self-hostable RSS app designed for e-ink devices (kindlyrss.app)
Kindly RSS Reader is a self-hosted RSS aggregator designed for e-ink devices and optimized for running on low-end computers.
E-Ink TRMNL device firmware (github.com/usetrmnl)
E-Ink PDA – Building My Dream Productivity Device [video] (youtube.com)
TCL's bet on screens that look like paper (ghed.in)
Since 2021, TCL has been investing in an intriguing screen technology called NXTPAPER: an LCD panel that attempts to simulate paper to be less harsh on human eyes. As someone who spends more time than recommended looking at screens, this greatly interests me.
CL-32 is a DIY pocket computer with a thumb keyboard, E-Ink and ESP32-S3 chip (liliputing.com)
CL-32 is a DIY pocket computer with a thumb keyboard, E-Ink screen and ESP32-S3 (liliputing.com)
Using your Kindle as an e-ink monitor (github.com)
Show HN: E-Paper 7-color display showing the current weather (github.com/blixt)
The digital notepad box – a DIY e-ink project (markus-haack.com)
Glider – open-source eInk monitor with an emphasis on low latency (github.com/Modos-Labs)
Show HN: 25.3 inch E-Ink Art Display (colorbloks.com)
Using an E-Ink Monitor (matthewbilyeu.com)