Hacker News with Generative AI: Critical Thinking

The Impact of Generative AI on Critical Thinking [pdf] (microsoft.com)
Researchers from Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon University warn that the more you use AI, the more your cognitive abilities deteriorate.
Microsoft Study Finds Relying on AI Kills Your Critical Thinking Skills (gizmodo.com)
Artificial intelligence may one day make humans obsolete—just not in the way that you’re thinking.
The Impact of Generative AI on Critical Thinking [pdf] (microsoft.com)
AI Tools: Impacts on Cognitive Offloading and the Future of Critical Thinking (mdpi.com)
The proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) tools has transformed numerous aspects of daily life, yet its impact on critical thinking remains underexplored.
Nirvana fallacy (Perfect solution fallacy) (wikipedia.org)
The nirvana fallacy is the informal fallacy of comparing actual things with unrealistic, idealized alternatives.
Study: We Can (and Must) Teach Kids to Think Critically (skepchick.org)
The Four Theories of Truth as a Method for Critical Thinking (imfeld.dev)
The Steel Man Technique: How to Argue Better and Be More Persuasive (constantrenewal.com)