Turning Off Zen 4's Op Cache for Curiosity and Giggles(chipsandcheese.com) CPUs start executing instructions by fetching those instruction bytes from memory and decoding them into internal operations (micro-ops). Getting data from memory and operating on it consumes power and incurs latency. Micro-op caching is a popular technique to improve on both fronts, and involves caching micro-ops that correspond to frequently executed instructions.
Making AWS News stupid fast with smart caching(lucvandonkersgoed.com) As I’m typing this, Re:Invent 2024 is only weeks away. In anticipation of https://aws-news.com‘s busiest period of the year, I redesigned the API access patterns to support very effective caching. This resulted in significantly reduced backend load and a much faster frontend.
Cache Directory Tagging Specification (2004)(bford.info) Many applications create and manage directories containing cached information about content stored elsewhere, such as cached Web content or thumbnail-size versions of images or movies.
Show HN: Pocache, preemptive optimistic caching for Go(github.com/naughtygopher) Pocache (poh-cash (/poʊ kæʃ/)), Preemptive optimistic cache, is a lightweight in-app caching package. It introduces preemptive cache updates, optimizing performance in concurrent environments by reducing redundant database calls while maintaining fresh data. It uses Hashicorp's Go LRU package as the default storage.
The Simple Magic of Consistent Hashing (2011)(paperplanes.de) The simplicity of consistent hashing is pretty mind-blowing. Here you have a number of nodes in a cluster of databases, or in a cluster of web caches. How do you figure out where the data for a particular key goes in that cluster?
Cache Me Not, Cache Me, Cache Me Not(hazelweakly.me) Caching is hard. So hard. But also, we are so fucking bad at it. Every time I have to use a public wifi setup I have a joker moment. Does absolutely nobody test shit on anything less than wired symmetric gigabit anymore?