Hacker News with Generative AI: Anatomy

Let's talk about bird tongues (2014) (toughlittlebirds.com)
You don’t have to look at many birds to realize that they are very variable in appearance: hawks look different from hummingbirds, and both look different from peacocks. You can spend a lot of time looking at birds, though, before you realize that they are hiding a lot of variation inside their mouths: long tongues, short tongues, spiky tongues, curly tongues, forked tongues, frayed tongues, brush-like tongues.
Why I hate the index finger (1980) (nlm.nih.gov)
As everyone knows, the index finger is a great precision performer.
Do Penguins Have Knees? (2019) (penguinsinternational.org)
What it's like to dissect a cadaver (2022) (alok.github.io)
Recently increased prevalence of human forearm median artery: Microevolution (wiley.com)