Hacker News with Generative AI: XML

XML: Twig – A Time-Tested Powerhouse for Processing XML (perladvent.org)
XML was the preferred communication language used by services in the early 2000s. During that time, governments were establishing their own e-government systems, while companies were developing their SOAP services. Then, BOOM! Services began to adopt JSON because it was a lightweight and efficient alternative to XML. However, even though JSON became the new standard, old services were still in use and being maintained.Rewriting a system from scratch is not easy, and it might not even be necessary.
Fast Haskell: Competing with C at parsing XML (2017) (chrisdone.com)
In this post we’re going to look at parsing XML in Haskell, how it compares with an efficient C parser, and steps you can take in Haskell to build a fast library from the ground up. We’re going to get fairly detailed and get our hands dirty.
Ruby-SAML pwned by XML signature wrapping attacks (ssoready.com)
CVE-2024-45409 was published on September 10, 2024. It’s yet another XML signature wrapping attack, this time affecting the main Ruby implementation of SAML. The vuln allows an attacker log in as any arbitrary user of the affected system.
Defusedxml – defusing XML bombs and other exploits (github.com/tiran)
"It's just XML, what could probably go wrong?"
XML Tokenizer that's 4x faster than stdlib's XML (github.com/muktihari)
Show HN: Gosax – A high-performance SAX XML parser for Go (github.com/orisano)
Faster XML Stream Processing in Go (2019) (thegreenplace.net)