Hacker News with Generative AI: Work Habits

Body Doubling (bodydoubling.com)
In simple terms, it’s merely being in the same room with another person who is having trouble getting things done on their own. As a body double, you don’t need to help or even say anything. All you need to do is just be there in the room, and through some invisible power, the other person is able to focus and finish their work.
Working Fast and Slow (seangoedecke.com)
Some engineers work very consistently, putting in the same hours every day and getting out the same amount of work. I don’t.
I Use AI 100 Times per Hour (tomtunguz.com)
How often do you use AI? I tracked my Sunday workday to find out. Between 4:30-9:00 PM (with a dinner break), I monitored every AI interaction while handling emails, analyzing data, & writing.