Hacker News with Generative AI: Wisconsin

Where the Space Age Came to Manitowoc, Wisconsin in September 1962 (threadreaderapp.com)
Near the intersection of two suburban streets, one of hundreds in the U.S town of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, there is a small brass ring imbedded in the road.
Archaeologists Finding Canoes in American Midwest as Old as Great Pyramids (smithsonianmag.com)
Tamara Thomsen was 24 feet underwater when she spotted it: the decaying end of a dugout canoe, a great white oak carved some 1,200 years ago. It was jutting out of a sandy ridge in Wisconsin’s Lake Mendota—a body of water skirting Madison, the state capital—and she knew it was a remarkable find. “What I did not understand was the breadth of the discovery.”
Roaming Rocks (aeon.co)
As geological sites go, this one is easy to miss. It’s just a low rise of exposed rock along a back road in northern Wisconsin, outside a town whose one claim to fame is a tavern that the gangster John Dillinger used as a hideout in the 1930s.
100-MW solar farm just broke ground in Wisconsin (electrek.co)
National Grid Renewables has broken ground on its 100 MW Apple River Solar Project in Polk County, Wisconsin.
Pizza place accidentally spiked dough with THC, sickening dozens (arstechnica.com)
Dozens of people in Wisconsin have been sickened and at least five needed emergency medical services after inadvertently eating pizza tainted with Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal psychoactive compound in cannabis, officials of Public Health Madison & Dane County reported late Friday.
Why the Wisconsin pizza farm movement is an idea whose time has come (chicagotribune.com)