Hacker News with Generative AI: Vercel

Show HN: Teletxt (Vercel App) (ycombinator.com)
Using Vercel and a laptop as a server, here is TeleText. A transcription of CNN, you can read it, and it transcribes lives what is talked upon the CNN.
Show HN: Vercel Proxy Sites to Mirror Any Website Using Vercel (github.com/seadfeng)
Vercel Is Down (vercel.com)
Run Chromium on Vercel without external services (vercel.app)
Vercel ends open-source sponsorship program giving projects 24hr notice (vercel.com)
Ninety-six thousand dollars spent solely on Vercel functions on one month (twitter.com)
Vercel Ship 2024 Keynote (live) [video] (youtube.com)