Hacker News with Generative AI: Torrenting

Ask HN: Can I download Torrent of a movie legally if I own the DVD/Blueray? (ycombinator.com)
I more and more often find that I pay for movies I already own, because it’s easier with streaming services. Can I legally download it as long as I already own it?
Show HN: A shell script to search multiple torrent sites from CLI (github.com/TUVIMEN)
South Korean ISP 'Infected' Torrenting Subscribers with Malware (torrentfreak.com)
South Korean ISP Infected 600,000 Torrenting Subscribers with Malware (torrentfreak.com)
TorrentGalaxy Goes Offline with Mysterious Message to Users (torrentfreak.com)
You can help Anna's Archive by seeding torrents (annas-archive.org)