Hacker News with Generative AI: Soldering

Soldering the Tek way (hackaday.com)
For a lot of us, soldering just seems to come naturally. But if we’re being honest, none of us was born with a soldering iron in our hand — ouch! — and if we’re good at soldering now, it’s only thanks to good habits and long practice. But what if you’re a company that lives and dies by the quality of the solder joints your employees produce? How do you get them to embrace the dark art of soldering?
Soldering Is Easy (hachyderm.io)
Have you ever seen soldering THIS close? (youtube.com)
Have you ever seen soldering this close? [video] (youtube.com)
iFixit made its own USB-C soldering iron, and it's already a joy (theverge.com)
My first USB-C soldering iron was a revelation. “You mean I can make liquid metal connections anywhere, in seconds, just by plugging this tiny stick into a USB cable?” Now, repair company iFixit is introducing its own take on the idea. It claims the iFixit FixHub Smart Soldering Iron is powerful enough for pros and easier for beginners than any others that have come before.
Show HN: iFixit created a new USB-C, repairable soldering system (hackaday.com)
Like many people who solder regularly, I decided years ago to upgrade from a basic iron and invest in a soldering station.
Mechanical load bearing solder (Sansa Clip Plus) (ycombinator.com)