Show HN: Chez Scheme txtar port from Go( txtar enables you to work with a simple text archive format compatible with It concatenates files together and allows for a top-level comment.
Guile Hoot 0.6.0 Released( We are excited to announce the release of Hoot 0.6.0! Hoot is a Scheme to WebAssembly compiler backend for Guile, as well as a general purpose WebAssembly toolchain. In other words, Scheme in the browser!
Embedding Scheme in Rust( Rust, as a compiled language, makes it challenging to modify the behavior of programs dynamically. In this article, we embed a small Scheme interpreter called Stak Scheme in Rust to dynamically change the behavior of a program without stopping the process.
Scheme R7RS Large Foundations: The Macrological Fascicle( This is the first released part of the anticipated first volume of the Revised7 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme (large language). It follows the small language report which was completed by Working Group 1 in 2013. This fascicle extends the macro system defined in that report.