Ask HN: Is the Golang ecosystem health declining?
Hello there!<p>I recently moved back into a devops/sre position and I'm again working with kubernetes and many golang-based tools.<p>I've been away (working with different technologies) for a "few years".<p>It's been a couple of months now and I'm stumbling in Go-based code repositories from github that either won't compile or are unofficially abandoned (last commit from 5 years ago, the does not explicitly mention them being abandoned).<p>Hence the question: is the golang ecosystem health declining?
Hello there!<p>I recently moved back into a devops/sre position and I'm again working with kubernetes and many golang-based tools.<p>I've been away (working with different technologies) for a "few years".<p>It's been a couple of months now and I'm stumbling in Go-based code repositories from github that either won't compile or are unofficially abandoned (last commit from 5 years ago, the does not explicitly mention them being abandoned).<p>Hence the question: is the golang ecosystem health declining?