Hacker News with Generative AI: Research Methods

Dispelling Myths about Randomisation (bps.org.uk)
When we are interested in cause and effect relationships (which is much of the time!) we have two options: We can simply observe the world to identify associations between X and Y, or we can randomise people to different levels of X and then measure Y.
Working Methods (of a Historian) (lrb.co.uk)
It never helps historians to say too much about their working methods. For just as the conjuror’s magic disappears if the audience knows how the trick is done, so the credibility of scholars can be sharply diminished if readers learn everything about how exactly their books came to be written.
Seven basic rules for causal inference (pedermisager.org)
What use is prehistory to the historian? (historytoday.com)
How Should We Critique Research? (2019) (gwern.net)