Hacker News with Generative AI: Radio Communication

Breaking NATO Radio Encryption [video] (media.ccc.de)
We present fatal security flaws in the HALFLOOP-24 encryption algorithm, which is used by the US military and NATO. HALFLOOP-24 was meant to safeguard the automatic link establishment protocol in high frequency radio, but our research demonstrates that merely two hours of intercepted radio traffic are sufficient to recover the secret key.
Through-the-Earth Mine Communications (wikipedia.org)
Through-the-Earth (TTE) signalling is a type of radio signalling used in mines and caves that uses low-frequency waves to penetrate dirt and rock, which are opaque to higher-frequency conventional radio signals.
Ham Radio 101: What is WSPR? (onallbands.com)
WSPR stands for Weak Signal Propagation Reporter—a protocol implemented in a computer program used for weak-signal radio communication between hams.
Decoding DME aircraft radio navigation system with the LimeSDR (destevez.net)