Hacker News with Generative AI: Public Data

NOAA's public weather data powers the local forecasts on your phone and TV (theconversation.com)
When a hurricane or tornado starts to form, your local weather forecasters can quickly pull up maps tracking its movement and showing where it’s headed. But have you ever wondered where they get all that information?
Compensation Data for Every NYC Police Officer (cityofnewyork.us)
Traffic Cam Selfie Creator Holds Cease and Desist Letter in Front of Traffic Cam (404media.co)
Artist Morry Kolman made a website called Traffic Cam Photobooth that lets people take “selfies” using publicly-available feeds from traffic cameras. The New York City Department of Transportation sent him a cease and desist letter demanding he cut it out.
The Corpus of United States State Statutes–Design, Construction and Use (ssrn.com)
There is a need for more publicly available corpora of legal language.
Utah tech officer fired after pushing back against plans to scrub public data (ksl.com)