Hacker News with Generative AI: Popular Culture

Jenny and the FCC (2023) (wordpress.com)
There was a point in the early 1980s when, if I asked you what Jenny’s phone number was and you said “I don’t know,” I would assume you were either a goddam liar or maybe somebody of my grandparent’s generation.  You were certainly somebody who didn’t listen to the music on the radio, because Tommy Tutone had made Jenny and her phone number, 867-5309, about as famous as any phone number has or ever will be, with the single 867-5309/Jenny.
Prince Nico Mbarga’s biggest hit outsold any of The Beatles’ (2017) (narratively.com)
Twenty years ago the man who recorded one of the most successful songs of all time was thrown off a motorbike by a car in Calabar, Nigeria.
An oral history of "We Built This City," the worst song of all time (2016) (gq.com)
Thirty years ago, radio stations and MTV put an insidiously catchy song called “We Built This City” into heavy rotation and kept it there.
Why Do People Hate Nickelback So Much? A Statistical Analysis (statsignificant.com)