Hacker News with Generative AI: Pedestrian Safety

Making an intersection unsafe for pedestrians to save seconds for drivers (collegetowns.substack.com)
How the redesign of a street in a walkable college town reflects our broader values for cars over people.
There Is No Technology Fix for Car Bloat (slate.com)
The number of pedestrian deaths in the United States is skyrocketing. In 2022 traffic crashes killed 7,805 people on foot—that’s an 83 percent rise from 2009, and a 40-year high. The vast majority of those deaths involved a car colliding into a human.
NHTSA Proposes New Vehicle Safety Standard to Better Protect Pedestrians (nhtsa.gov)
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is advancing pedestrian safety by proposing a new rule to reduce fatalities and serious injuries among pedestrians struck by vehicles.
As cars and trucks get bigger and taller, lawmakers look to protect pedestrians (npr.org)
Number of Pedestrians Killed by Drivers Remains Vexingly High (wsj.com)