Hacker News with Generative AI: OpenStreetMap

Loading the World OpenStreetMap Import in Under 4 Hours (crunchydata.com)
The OpenStreetMap (OSM) database builds almost 750GB of location data from a single file download. OSM notoriously takes a full day to run.
OpenStreetMap's New Vector Tiles (marksblogg.com)
OpenStreetMap (OSM) has been hosting raster tiles of its dataset for much of its 20-year history.
Statistical NLP on OpenStreetMap (2016) (medium.com)
Street addresses are among the more quirky artifacts of human language, yet they are crucial to the increasing number of applications involving maps and location.
VersaTiles – a complete FLOSS map stack (versatiles.org)
VersaTiles is a completely FLOSS stack for generating, distributing, and using map tiles based on OpenStreetMap data, free of any commercial interests.
Openly Licensed Streetview with Panoramax (tzovar.as)
Street-level images are not just a great way to virtually explore places (or for playing the not-so-occasional round of GeoGuessr), but are also extremely useful for providing detailed local information when contributing to OpenStreetMap.
RGCosm – Reverse Geocode for OpenStreetMap (github.com/punnerud)
Locally hosted OpenStreetmap using sqlite3 for reverse geocode. So you easily can find adresses based on coordinates.
OpenStreetMap Is Turning 20 (stevecoast.substack.com)
Show HN: Simple Mbtiles Server – Self-host the entire planet of OpenStreetMaps (github.com/markuman)
Open source tools to query OpenStreetMap (wcedmisten.fyi)
Dear AI Companies, instead of scraping OpenStreetMap, how about a $10k donation? (osm.town)
Open source tools to query OpenStreetMap (wcedmisten.fyi)
OpenStreetMap's 20th Anniversary Celebration is August 9 (openstreetmap.org)
Optimizing Large-Scale OpenStreetMap Data with SQLite (jtarchie.com)
You thought OpenStreetMap uses WGS84? No it doesn't (2019) (openstreetmap.org)
The current state of map design in OpenStreetMap (imagico.de)
Organizing OpenStreetMap mapping parties (codeberg.page)