Hacker News with Generative AI: Online Security

Bitwarden is turning 2FA on by default for new devices (bitwarden.com)
To keep your account safe and secure, in February 2025, Bitwarden will require additional verification for users who do not use two-step login.
Let's Encrypt Ending Support for Expiration Notification Emails (letsencrypt.org)
Attacker Has Techdirt Reclassified as Phishing Site (techdirt.com)
Here on Techdirt, we write a lot about content moderation and even did a whole big series of content moderation case studies. However, here’s an interesting one that involves Techdirt itself from a couple weeks ago. It’s also a perfect example of Masnick’s Impossibility Theorem in action and a reminder of how the never-ending flood of spam and scams provides cover for bad actors to sneak through abusive reports.
Tell HN: Need help, locked out of Google account with 10 years of personal data (ycombinator.com)
I've been locked out of my Google account which contains over a decade of my digital life, and I'm at my wit's end trying to recover it.
Ask HN: What do you do for online privacy? (ycombinator.com)
Two years ago, I submitted this: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33558737 which turned up some interesting comments.<p>I thought I'd revisit this topic now that it's been almost two years.<p># Applications, Operating Systems<p>Do you run specific browsers, and why? Do you have specific applications that you use to protect your privacy? Do you engage in any kind of hardening?<p>Do you run any specific kind of operating system (say, Windows, Mac, etc) and why?
Show HN: A ninja's Handbook: A book on privacy, security, and anonymity online (zolagonano.github.io)
'Pig Butchering' Online Scams Are Proliferating. Here's Why They Work So Well (wsj.com)
Booking.com ignores twofactor, lets everyone email-login without a password (ycombinator.com)
'New York Times source code' leaks online via 4chan (theregister.com)
Ask HN: What do social networks put unique IDs in link sharing for? (ycombinator.com)