Hacker News with Generative AI: Metal

LMD: A new, less wasteful metal 3D printing technique (core77.com)
Metal 3D printing is currently dominated by powder-based techniques like SLM (Selective Laser Melting). These processes yield incredibly precise parts, but the build times are slow. Furthermore, dealing with the powder increases manufacturing complexity: Whenever the powder is transported, loaded into the machine, or cleaned up afterwards, rigorous steps must be followed to prevent the loose spread of powder.
Accelerated Jax on Mac (apple.com)
JAX uses the new Metal plug-in to provide Metal acceleration on Mac platforms.
Curl-v metal song [video] (youtube.com)
Drawing Graphics on Apple Vision with the Metal Rendering API (github.com/gnikoloff)
At the time of writing, Apple Vision Pro has been available for seven months, with numerous games released and an increasing number of developers entering this niche.
Something for the metalheads: Master Boot Record – Internet Protocol [video] (youtube.com)