Hacker News with Generative AI: Languages

Library Sandboxing for Verona (github.com/microsoft)
This repository is attempting to build the base-line sandboxing mechanism for foreign code in Verona.
A Man Who Dreamed in an Unknown Language (medium.com)
In the 1950s, a six-year-old boy started having dreams about a man he had never met. This man was teaching him a language the boy couldn’t understand. Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it? What if I told you this mysterious language turned out to be real? This is the incredible true story of Marc Liblin, the man who dreamed in an unknown language.
(Right-Nulled) Generalised LR Parsing (jeffsmits.net)
I hope you know a bit about LR parsing, otherwise this blog post won’t make much sense to you. You can read all about it in a previous post of mine. Today I want to discuss the problems with getting your language parsed in LR(1), or even LR(k). And how an old way to solve those problems is with a more powerful algorithm, that can parse any context-free grammar, no restrictions, no complaints about conflicts.
Elixir 1.18 Is Here: What's New in the Latest Release (github.com/elixir-lang)
Elixir v1.18 is an impressive release with improvements across the two main efforts happening within the Elixir ecosystem right now: set-theoretic types and language servers. It also comes with built-in JSON support and adds new capabilities to its unit testing library.
Scrabble star wins Spanish world title despite not speaking Spanish (theguardian.com)
Nigel Richards has also been champion in English and – after memorising dictionary in nine weeks – French
Trivial REST server in various languages to compare (github.com/begoon)
The server listens on localhost:8000 and exposes /version endpoint.
Polyglot Maxxie and Minnie (jcarroll.com.au)
Continuing my theme of learning all the languages, I took the opportunity of a programming puzzle to try out the same approach in a handful of different languages to compare how they work.
The Languages of English, Math, and Programming (github.com/norvig)
Teaching old assert() new Tricks (ngs-lang.org)
Many languages have assert(). This post describes how assert() is implemented in Next Generation Shell and how these aspects/features are consistent with the rest of the language.
Gleam v1.5 Released (gleam.run)
Gleam is a type-safe and scalable language for the Erlang virtual machine and JavaScript runtimes. Today Gleam v1.5.0 has been published, featuring lots of really nice developer experience and productivity improvements, including several useful language server code actions. Let’s take a look.
Spanglish is the world’s fastest growing linguistic hybrid (elpais.com)
Bend: A Parallel Language (pages.dev)
ESpeak-ng: speech synthesizer with more than one hundred languages and accents (github.com/espeak-ng)
A Note about Coercions (oleg.fi)