Hacker News with Generative AI: Julian Assange

Julian Assange documentary withdrawn from Sundance (2024) (screendaily.com)
Eugene Jarecki has withdrawn his anticipated Julian Assange documentary The Six Billion Dollar Man from the upcoming Sundance Film Festival due to “unexpected developments”.
Julian Assange speaks for the first time since his release from prison (abc.net.au)
Julian Assange is back on European soil. When last here, he was behind bars.
Julian Assange makes first public statement since prison release [video] (youtube.com)
Julian Assange Received $500K Bitcoin Donation To cover travel costs (coindesk.com)
A Kingly Proposal: Letter from Julian Assange to King Charles III (2023) (declassifieduk.org)
Julian Assange: Freedom This Time, No Thanks to the Media (declassifieduk.org)
Julian Assange Leaves Court 'Free Man,' Ending 14-Year Drama (bloomberg.com)
Matthew Garrett: "Quick Assange frequent misconceptions thread" (nondeterministic.computer)
Julian Assange Is Free (twitter.com)
Julian Assange released from prison and has left UK, WikiLeaks says (abc.net.au)
Julian Assange Is Free (twitter.com)
Julian Assange to plead guilty in deal with US, go free for time served (bbc.com)
Julian Assange agrees to plea deal with US to avoid imprisonment in US (cnn.com)
Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free (nbcnews.com)
Julian Assanges wins right to challenge extradition to US (bbc.co.uk)
Puzzle made by the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for the university quest (blogspot.com)