Hacker News with Generative AI: Interpretability

PiML: Python Interpretable Machine Learning Toolbox (github.com/SelfExplainML)
PiML (or π-ML, /ˈpaɪ·ˈem·ˈel/) is a new Python toolbox for interpretable machine learning model development and validation.
Interpreting Clip with Sparse Linear Concept Embeddings (SpLiCE) (arxiv.org)
CLIP embeddings have demonstrated remarkable performance across a wide range of computer vision tasks. However, these high-dimensional, dense vector representations are not easily interpretable, restricting their usefulness in downstream applications that require transparency.
Light Recurrent Unit: An Interpretable RNN for Modeling Long-Range Dependency (mdpi.com)
Steering Characters with Interpretability (dmodel.ai)
A Multimodal Automated Interpretability Agent (arxiv.org)
Logit Prisms: Decomposing Transformer Outputs for Mechanistic Interpretability (neuralblog.github.io)