Hacker News with Generative AI: Ink

What Makes a Good Ink Bottle? (ukfountainpens.com)
According to my swatch cards, I’ve sampled around 150 inks and most of them have been through bottles I’ve purchased. When filling my pens each week, I clearly feel that not all ink bottles are equal but I can’t quite put a finger on why. I’ve been thinking about it lately as I wrote my post on my collection and after some reflection, 4 factors stand out to me:
Iron Gall Ink (wikipedia.org)
**Iron gall ink** (also known as **common ink**, **standard ink**, **oak gall ink** or **iron gall nut ink**) is a purple-black or brown-black [ink](/wiki/Ink "Ink") made from [iron](/wiki/Iron "Iron") salts and [tannic acids](/wiki/Tannic_acid "Tannic acid") from vegetable sources.
Making iron gall ink from oak galls (gitlab.io)