Hacker News with Generative AI: Holocaust

German Collective Guilt [Wikipedia] (wikipedia.org)
German collective guilt (German: Kollektivschuld) refers to the notion of a collective guilt attributed to Germany and its people for perpetrating the Holocaust and other atrocities in World War II.[2][3]
Holocaust survivors seek right to sue for compensation of seized property (amylhowe.com)
It has been nearly 80 years since World War II officially ended in Europe. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the latest chapter in efforts by the victims of the war’s atrocities to recover confiscated property.
The resurrection of Jerry Lewis' catastrophic Holocaust movie (elpais.com)
US comedian Jerry Lewis never wanted anyone to see The Day the Clown Cried. At least not during his lifetime. He knew that what he had hoped would be a masterpiece had actually turned out to be a monumental disaster and a stain on his career. When he received the honorary Palme d’Or at Cannes in 2013, he said in reference to the film, “No one will ever see it because I’m embarrassed at the poor work.
Andrée Geulen – Hid Jewish Children from Nazi's in Belgium (wikipedia.org)
My Auschwitz vacation (harpers.org)
Unesco sounds alarm over artificial intelligence-fuelled Holocaust denial (france24.com)
New UNESCO report warns that Generative AI threatens Holocaust memory (unesco.org)
IBM and the Holocaust (wikipedia.org)