Hacker News with Generative AI: Georgia

Archaeologists just mapped a Bronze Age megafortress in Georgia (arstechnica.com)
A sprawling 3,500-year-old fortress offers tantalizing clues about a culture that once dotted the southern Caucasus mountains with similar walled communities.
Mysterious tablet with unknown language unearthed in Georgia (archaeologymag.com)
A basalt tablet inscribed with an enigmatic language has been unearthed near Lake Bashplemi in Georgia’s Dmanisi region.
Georgia's moment of truth: Protesters demand Western path not Russian past (bbc.com)
Night after night, Georgians have filled the broad central avenue that runs past parliament, in such great numbers there is barely space to move, on the road or the pavement either side.
Georgia Officials Report Russian-Origin Bomb Threat Hoaxes at Polling Spots (newsweek.com)
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said on Tuesday that a bomb threat was made against a polling place.
Georgia Shows Why Ukraine Must Win (phillipspobrien.substack.com)
Well what we are witnessing in Georgia is both depressingly predictable and yet horrifying at the same time. A nation that wanted to be democratic, whose people saw their future in the West, in Europe, is having their freedom corrupted in front of their (and our) eyes. Its shows how fragile democratic systems can be in the face of unopposed brutality.
A New Rule Could Allow Georgia to Exclude Votes from Entire Precincts (propublica.org)
An examination of a new election rule in Georgia passed by the state’s Republican-controlled election board suggests that local officials in just a handful of rural counties could exclude enough votes to affect the outcome of the presidential race.
Over 90k Georgia residents taking shelter after chemical fire (apnews.com)
A weekend fire that sent a massive plume of dark smoke into the Georgia sky has led to complaints about a strong chemical smell and haze several miles away across metro Atlanta, where some schools canceled outdoor activities and residents living near the fire sheltered at home.
Software issues Georgia man 1.4M speeding ticket (nbcnews.com)
A Georgia man was left reeling after receiving a $1.4 million speeding ticket, but city officials say the figure was just a placeholder, not the actual fine.
Earning $30 too much a month keeps a cancer patient in Georgia from cheaper care (text.npr.org)
Georgia rocked by protests as government pushes Putin-style 'foreign agent' bill (cnn.com)
It's Been a Year and Georgia.gov Continues to Be Hacked (boehs.org)