Hacker News with Generative AI: Flash

How Flash games shaped the video game industry (2020) (flashgamehistory.com)
Flash is dead. But the influence of Flash games on modern gameplay is inescapable.
Show HN: Flash Kitty – Archive of Adobe/Macromedia Flash Movies from Flash Kit (gzalo.com)
Flash Kit was a popular community for Adobe/Macromedia Flash developers where developers shared their creative work.Unfortunately, the site was discontinued by its current owners, resulting in the loss of many submitted movies.
Ruffle - Flash Emulator: Optimisations, Text Input, Tab Focusing and More (ruffle.rs)
We really should start making these posts more often, because phew there's a lot that happened in the last 8 months! There's so many improvements to Ruffle, that we really can't do it justice with an easy summary here. This blog post is going to be a little long, but the highlights are at the top!