Hacker News with Generative AI: E-books

Bookshop.org launches Kindle alternative, sends e-book sales to local bookstores (usatoday.com)
Bookshop.org is ready to change that. Today, the online platform that connects readers to local bookstores launched an e-reading platform of its own. For the first time, local independent bookstores can sell e-books to customers, says CEO and founder Andy Hunter.
Amazon is closing a Kindle loophole that makes it easy to remove DRM (androidpolice.com)
LWN [articles now available] in ePub format (lwn.net)
For years we have had occasional requests to be able to receive LWN in a format for ebook readers. It took a while, but we are now happy to announce that all of LWN's feature content is available, to subscribers at the "professional hacker" level and above, in the EPUB format.
Acquiring My Work: A Primer (scalzi.com)
Several times a month I get an email or social media message from someone who wants to know what the “best” way to buy my work is so that I, the writer, get as much of their money as possible. I think this is lovely! Thank you for thinking about me, and also, in a larger sense, about writers in general.
Readest: An immersive eBook reader for deep reading (github.com/readest)
Readest is an open-source ebook reader designed for immersive and deep reading experiences. Built as a modern rewrite of Foliate, it leverages Next.js 15 and Tauri v2 to offer a seamless cross-platform experience on macOS, Windows, Linux and Web, with support for mobile platforms coming soon.
Foliate: Read e-books in style, navigate with ease (johnfactotum.github.io)
Nvidia denies pirate e-book sites are "shadow libraries" to shut down lawsuit (arstechnica.com)
Nvidia denies pirate e-book sites are "shadow libraries" to shut down lawsuit (arstechnica.com)
U.S. libraries are battling high prices for better e-book access (axios.com)