Hacker News with Generative AI: Deforestation

Amazon deforestation declines to lowest level in a decade (tdynews.com)
Brazil has reported a significant reduction in deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, with the loss of trees decreasing by 31% over the past year.
Ireland has lost almost all its native forests (worldsensorium.com)
Illegal logging footprint in the Amazon expanded by a fifth, report finds (mongabay.com)
Illegal logging in the Amazon jumped by 19% over the past year, according to a new report.
Cambodian company strips protected areas of timber for export (mongabay.com)
A Cambodian company has likely been illegally logging in protected areas and exporting the timber to Vietnam and China, according to a report by Mongabay’s Gerald Flynn.
Study shows most Amazon beef and soy demand comes from Brazil – not exports (mongabay.com)
A study shows that an area equivalent to nine times the size of Greater London was deforested in the Brazilian Amazon in 2015 to address the demand for beef from other parts of the country.
'Sustainable' logging operations are clear-cutting Canada's forests (reuters.com)
Tree mortality may lead to carbon tipping point in the Amazon by 2050s (phys.org)
New datasets identify which crops deforest the Amazon, and where (mongabay.com)
Brazilian rancher ordered to pay $50M for damage to Amazon (theguardian.com)
New images show uncontacted tribe dangerously close to logging concessions (survivalinternational.org)
The War on Estonian Forests (2022) (daveon.design)